Competitive Strategy

Ultimately, it’s about addressing the dynamic marketplace and selecting specific aproaches which allow the company to compete successfully.

In addition, strategy forms the critical link between company objectives and establishing the tactical activities necessary to achieve them.

Many company objectives are assigned to Marketing as this is where the company’s profit/wealth is created; generated through Sales and other medium-long term market initatives. While selected strategies primarily address competitiveness, we ensure these are linked to your organisation’s purpose, vision and values to provide a clear focus which aligns company resources.

Competitively, where is your business now?
We’ll analyse your competitive environment to establish this.

Where do you want to be?
Usually found in your mission or vision statement.

How are you going to get there from here?
Now we are thinking strategically…

Without a clear Market Strategy you may be side-tracked into reactive, short-term decision making which can cause a lot of confusion and stress, wasting your scarce resources. Making business decisions is so much easier with a clear direction and a plan that will get you there.

You will be an integral to the selection of your Business Strategy and implementing it. MOXY Marketing can support you in keeping your business on the right track and balancing the day-to-day within the headspace of your strategic view. If you need backup with strategy implementation we can support you there too. We just love a good strategy.