Marketing Plan

As the primary driver of income, a Marketing Plan is critical in harnessing the power of marketing and laying out how you will achieve your business objectives and generate profit.

A comprehensive and multi faceted exercise, the Marketing Plan combines information about your external environment and your internal company data. We build a picture of your dynamic marketplace and gather information for data-based decision making.

We help you to create clarity and a sense of direction starting with your chosen Market Strategy, adding selected programs, activities and communications. It can be a stand alone annual plan or one which sits within a broader five year scope to achieve longer term objectives.

Your Marketing Plan serves to communicate which activities are planned, aids with the allocation of resources and establishes a way to evaluate the progress of your marketing initiatives.


Growth is not always the ‘prime directive’ but remaining competitive IS.

How we can help:

  • Create initiatives which will differentiate and position to maximise your competitiveness
  • Identify tactical approaches for your products and services
  • Design integrated programs, promotions and events
  • Schedule marketing initiatives throughout the year to maximise your outcomes
  • Establish expected results and performance indicators to show how your marketing initiatives are performing

Your benefits

  • An outline of selected activities; what is happening, when, where and why
  • Improve your results from a more targeted marketing spend
  • Provide more resilience to changes in the market environment

Be confident about investing in your commercial future with MOXY Marketing. If you’re feeling unsure how to move ahead, it’s time to get a Marketing Plan.