Brand Development
Be confident in the visibility and voice of your brand. If you’re a start-up or need to refresh an existing identity, we’ll give your brand some mojo!
Creating ‘Brand-new’ takes time as there are many aspects to be woven together and refined in this unique expression of your business.
We’ll work with you to produce an effective Design Brief: identifying your values, company’s vision, how you’ll differentiate from your competitors, your unique use of imagery and your ‘voice’. Yes, it’s wonderfully exciting seeing it all come together!
Developing an existing Brand; again the Design Brief is our starting point. Then we establish any areas where your existing Brand is out-of-step, providing direction for improvement.
Over time your Brand can loose impact as new competitors enter the market, bigger competitors drown out smaller ones or as the nature of your original business changes over time.

Is your Brand your hardest working asset? Is it integrated through all aspects of your business, all day, everywhere? MOXY Marketing focuses on developing Brands that are uniquely recognisable, setting you apart from competitors.
The biggest threat to any Brand is the disastrous impact that incompetent and unqualified staff can have as they drive your Brand into a ditch, wasting thousand of dollars in the process. We have seen the wreckage brought by bored Secretaries and enthusiastic Accountants who want to ‘have-a-go’! Would you get your dental work done by a Plumber or allow a librarian to write up your legal contracts?
Doctors, Engineers, and Lawyers become qualified through their specialist studies, so do Marketers. Like those professions, Marketing is a broad and specialised field.