It is essentially about sharing information, in order to be seen and heard by the people relevant and important to your business.

Our first step is identifying who your important people are. These can include: current customers, potential customers, staff, local and central government, shareholders, sponsors, funding agencies and media companies to name a few.
Then we choose the information or stories you want to share, including the key messages of your brand. It is important to tailor your messages so they are timely and relevant. This keeps your audience engaged and connected with your business.
Media selection deals with choosing the channels which will most effectively reach those people. Will it be advertising on billboards or is LinkedIn a better fit for your audience and your brand?
‘But wait there’s more’
Your Communications schedule is carefully planned out to integrate all aspects in the most effective, timely way. Either you can manage this or MOXY Marketing can do it for you.
We also need to review and get some measures of what is working and where improvements can be made.
Let’s put an end to Communications which aren’t effectively reaching your VIP audience.